Tips for Successful Injury Claims

Have you or a family member ever been involved in an accident? Things happen so fast. When you’re getting your injuries treated, recovering from the shock, and answering police questions, a lot is going on.

During this time, you’re probably also dealing with insurance companies, which can be quite a handful. You’ll need to do several things when required to settle a personal injury with the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Here are a few tips for a successful injury claim.

1. Document Your Injuries and Financial Losses

Medical records serve as evidence during the claim and the lawsuit, if it happens. If you lose them, you might lose your rightful and full compensation.

You should keep your medical records, including doctor’s notes, exam and test records, x-rays, CT scans, and other relevant documents that will show the injuries you suffered and the pain you went through.

Take photos of things the doctor had to do to treat your injuries, such as stitches, braces, plaster casts, etc. Take photos both post-injury and post-op, if applicable.

Additionally, ensure you document our financial losses resulting from the accident and keep receipts for expenses like medical bills, lost wages, benefits, and salaries, out-of-pocket expenses such as hiring a home nurse, and losses from your damaged property.

2. Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Insurance companies look for every chance to reduce the amount to compensate you. It might also be challenging for you to obtain the required evidence to negotiate with the insurance company.

Personal injury lawyers help increase the chances of getting full compensation. They will help you gather all the required evidence, help you with negotiations, and even represent you in court if the claim proceeds to a lawsuit.

3. Find Witnesses

Witnesses will help you build a strong case as their statements will serve as evidence in the claim. They confirm your version of the story and show how the other party was at fault.

Make sure you find trusted people who saw the accident to serve as strong witnesses. Take their names, phone numbers, and addresses and ask them if they will be willing to tell what they saw, whether in a statement or a testimony, at the time of the accident if you are able.

4. Don’t Settle Too Fast

The insurance will rush to give you a settlement offer, but no matter how much it is, don’t be too fast to settle. The first offer is usually the lowest and not the full compensation you deserve.

Engage in negotiations with the insurance company. The adjuster will try to reduce the amount to the least possible amount, but a personal injury lawyer will help you negotiate and get the full amount.

If the insurance company refuses to compensate for the right amount, do not be afraid to go to court. 95% of the claims don’t anyway. 

5. Don’t Wait to Start a Claim

A claim is a long process that will take some time to settle depending on the factors involved. It involves gathering evidence, including records and witnesses, as well as negotiations.

If you wait too long, some of the evidence might get lost or damaged. Witnesses could have moved or even forgotten details crucial to your claim, and a police report alone may not be sufficient.

Starting a claim as soon as possible is recommended. Even if the full extent of your injuries is unknown, as well as future treatment expenses. Your solicitor can arrange for treatment so your injuries don’t worsen and help you estimate the total cost.

Overall, everyone’s details regarding the accident, including yours, will deteriorate with time. That’s why you need to start the claim while the memories are still fresh.

Suffering injuries because of someone else’s mistake is hard enough for you. They should take responsibility for their mistake that caused you physical and emotional pain and suffering. For your injury claim to be successful, keep in mind the above tips.