David Highbloom Arms CSX Agent with Key Phrases for Tough Situations

One tenet of an exceptional customer service agent is understanding feedback and empathizing with each situation, whether it is positive or negative. David Highbloom, a 25-year entrepreneur with extensive experience in business models that accentuate the customer service experience, says that one quality recruiters should look for when hiring CSX agents is the ability to understand using specific key phrases to shape a positive customer experience.

The ability to summon and use the correct customer service phrases can support efficient and positive interactions with a brand’s customer base. It can transform an average conversation into a great one and turn a negative experience into a positive one. Highbloom highlights the following key phrases that every CSX agent should know and understand. Furthermore, they must know when to use them organically in each customer interaction.

Among the many pleasantries a CSX agent can use in a conversation, such as “Nice to speak with you” and “Thank you for being our customer,” the best ones demonstrate understanding and empathy. Empathy is one of the greatest tools a CSX agent can possess. When a person says, “I understand how (blank) that must be,” you are automatically empathizing with that other person’s situation. The fact that the customer can be related can make them feel more patient. This creates a human connection of understanding and will likely make the rest of the conversation much more productive in resolving their complaint or issue.

Highbloom points out that taking empathy a step further and demonstrating understanding can significantly differ in the tone of the conversation. Some customers need minor adjustments to improve their overall experience. Acknowledging their problems in the first place is necessary. Empathize with them. Let them know that you understand why and how they’d like the change to happen. This can be accomplished with the phrases, “It makes sense why you would want that” and “Thank you for bringing this to our attention.”

Making customers feel heard and understood can be challenging. Remembering a few key phrases can be of great help. Make sure you learn them and use them accordingly.