Posts Tagged“Employees”

3 Tips For Effectively Training New Employees On Complicated Equipment or Processes

  If you run a business that has a lot of complicated equipment or processes that your employees have to take part in on a regular basis, you’ll want to do everything in your power to ensure that everyone is doing their job correctly and keeping themselves and everyone else safe. This usually comes with experience. So when you’re hiring a new employee, it’s vital that you teach them the right ways to do things for your company, since the last thing you want to do is have someone get hurt due to rotating the centrifugal pumps correctly or misusing…

How to onboard new employees for long-term loyalty

It’s one of the most important processes of recruitment, yet onboarding is something that is rarely given the attention it truly deserves.  Most companies will invest all sorts into their recruitment processes, whether by putting together extensive benefits packages or just being extra-diligent with their job descriptions. They’ll set up the swanky modern offices, arm themselves with all of the legal essentials such as liability insurance, and then… well, hope for the best.  Suffice to say, onboarding generally gets forgotten about. It means that new employees are regularly left to their own devices, resulting in umpteen long-term issues that can…

Maximizing Motivation – 5 Tips For Managers To Boost Morale And Improve Efficiency

How often have you seen employees sadly shambling to work, depressed to spend another day at their 9-to-5? Maybe you’ve been in their shoes before. You might even think this is an inevitable part of joining the workforce. However, the truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. As a manager, you have the power to create a healthy workplace and keep employee morale at a high.  Though securing business finance and impressing at shareholder meetings may seem more important, fostering good employee morale can make the difference between a successful, high-performing workspace or something else entirely. Here are…