Posts Tagged“business”

5 Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible to Everyone – According to accessiBe

As a business owner, you’ve probably invested a fair amount of time, effort, and money into creating a professional and user-friendly website that works to attract customers to your company. You may even take great pride in just how engaging your site is, and what a great job it does at reflecting the products and services that your company offers. But here’s a question for you, have you given any thought to making sure your website is accessible to all? The fact is that there are a fair amount of people that suffer from various disabilities that can make it…

5 Advantages Of Cloud Computing In Business

Cloud computing has been around for nearly two decades, and businesses are really starting to see the benefit of utilizing such services.  When businesses are able to work remotely, store and access data remotely, and collaborate from anywhere, opportunity arises.   If you’re new to cloud computing and you want your business to be fully invested, it starts with a little research.  Cloud computing is positioned for growth in the coming years, and you want your business to be on board.   Check out a brief look at a few advantages of cloud computing for business, and give your operation all the…

David Highbloom Arms CSX Agent with Key Phrases for Tough Situations

One tenet of an exceptional customer service agent is understanding feedback and empathizing with each situation, whether it is positive or negative. David Highbloom, a 25-year entrepreneur with extensive experience in business models that accentuate the customer service experience, says that one quality recruiters should look for when hiring CSX agents is the ability to understand using specific key phrases to shape a positive customer experience. The ability to summon and use the correct customer service phrases can support efficient and positive interactions with a brand’s customer base. It can transform an average conversation into a great one and turn…

How Aircraft Financing Could Help You Reach The Skies

If you are looking to set up a tour company or perhaps even a skydiving school, you’ll know that getting the aircraft is going to be the most expensive aspect of getting set up. Thankfully however you will not have to outlay all of your staring capital in order to do this, because aircraft financing can be the perfect option for you. Many think that they will not be able to set up their business if they have been rejected for a loan, but getting this kind of financing could be the perfect way for you. Don’t let your dreams…

What to Expect in a Quality Vape Nicotine Shop

The world of vaping is big business right now and this is a sector which is growing in popularity year on year. Owing to this there is a huge array of stores popping up, both on the high street and online, which sell a wide range of vape-related products. Unfortunately however, because of the growing demand, not every vape nicotine shop is quite up to the standards as others, and if you do vape it is essential that you find a high quality store. Whether you are buying online or actually visiting a vape store on the high street, here…