Posts Tagged“tech”

Why Moving to Cloud Storage is Such a Good Idea?

The internet has displayed exponential growth since it was invented. It was and still is seen as one of the biggest driver of the so called generation gap that we keep hearing about from our elders. It has revolutionized the way we get things done and has introduced us to entire new fields to explore. As a result, the rate of growth in most professions around the world has more than doubled since the inception of the internet. The Threat of the Internet However, the picture has not been all rosy. The internet has brought its fair share of harm…

Richard Blech on How to Keep Mobile Devices, and Important Client Data, Secure

It seems as if most of us are now surgically attached to our smartphones. This includes employees, who use them for work. However, it now seems that the lines between professional and personal time have blurred somewhat. Indeed, Richard Blech was involved in a survey that showed: 73% of people put personal apps on their work tablets. 62% of people put personal apps on their work phones. 45% of people put personal apps on their work notebooks. 50% used smartphones for professional reasons. Millennials, it seems, are the worst for mixing the personal and the professional. This is a problem…

The Top Idea Management Software Option Helps You to Keep the Faith in Innovation

Thanks to advances, humans have been able to enjoy greater health and longevity, more prosperity, improved food production, and more. These are all things that we might take for granted, but that are actually remarkable. Did you know that over the past two decades, around one billion individuals have been lifted out of poverty? And the way technology has progressed is nothing short of astounding. The smartphones we all have are fitted with computers more capable than the ones that put a man on the moon! Thanks to global free trade, entrepreneurship, innovation, and science, the world has enjoyed greater…

The Need for More EDI Software Providers

EDI – electronic data interchange – means that data is transmitted in a planned and control manner between organizations, using electronic methods. This includes data transfer between different computers without the need of human interaction. It is not, however, the same as sending and receiving emails. It goes well beyond that. For instance, it includes such things as checks and bills being transmitted, with the right messages. Considering the fact that everything is done through computers nowadays, it quickly becomes clear why there is now such a need for EDI software providers. It is by far the safest method of…

Create the Right Mobile App for Your Brand

Do you feel at times as if your small business is not as creative as it could be? Sure, small businesses are oftentimes limited in terms of what they can do compared to the bigger kids on the block. For one, small business budgets typically are a fraction of what larger companies operate with. Secondly, smaller companies oftentimes do not have the physical resources to be as creative as those bigger brands in the marketplace. Lastly, smaller businesses usually do not have the name recognition those companies known the world over exhibit. With all of that said, you’d think there…