Browsing CategoryLegal

How to Get Into Law School

If you have decided on a career in law then you are looking at an incredibly tough road to success, providing you have the skills and the work ethic, a career as a lawyer can be rich and rewarding, your first step on this road, is getting your place in law school. There are some fantastic law schools and universities in the United States that have produced some of the World’s finest lawyers, and you should be aiming to get a position in the best law school possible. People like JD Dukes, Duke University alumni, know only too well about…

When Should you Call a Financial Advisor?

You may feel confident in managing your money along, but there are times when it is prudent to seek outside advice. A financial advisor is an unbiased third-party that can offer advice, direction, expertise and planning during the critical financial moments in your life. This process can be a great way to stay on track and ensure your plans for the future don’t become derailed. Some people may not wholly trust a financial planner, thinking they work for the companies whose products they sell and that can be the case for some specific products, but most financial planners work on…

Turn to the Internet for Your Defense

Being charged with any kind of a crime is not good news. That news gets much more challenging when the charge is sexual assault. In the event you have allegedly committed a sexual assault, where will you turn for help? While some defendants are forced to go with a public defender, having few if no options due to their financial situations, others do have hope, hope that is if they hire the best available criminal defense attorney. With the right attorney on their side, defendants can put up a fight and have their day in court. One of the means…

Don’t Let a Tax Dispute Cause Financial Hardships

For many consumers, today’s economic world is pushing them to the limit. Whether it be mortgage loans, credit card debt, student loans, healthcare costs, the list can be extensive and seem never-ending. One other financial issue that can crop up from time to time is owing money on your local, state or federal taxes. When this happens, you might feel like things are crumbling all around you. In the event your finances are taking a hit as the result of a tax dispute, locating the best tax attorney around becomes a necessity. So, how do you go about finding such…

Did You Make That Call to a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Whether you thought you could make it home despite that last drink or you really were not clearly thinking, you’re now staring trouble in the face. If you’ve been stopped and charged with a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), the anxiety can mount rather quickly. For starters, you have the possibility of dealing with jail time. Secondly, you throw in the thought of paying a substantial fine (court costs, your arrest etc.). Lastly, you may or may not lose your current job or the potential for one you’re trying to get as a result of your DWI episode. So, don’t you…