Browsing CategoryTech

How to Take Beautiful Candid Pictures

Candid pictures really are the best. They show the natural beauty of the moment and capture details that are usually obscured. You’ll also get the chance to uncover a fresher and newer perspective you never knew before. If you live in the city of London, there are many opportunities to take beautiful candid photos. There are many street performers in busy districts and even just strolling through a park can give you the chance to get in great candid shots. Here are some tips on how you can take beautiful candid photos, so you won’t miss the chance when the…

Richard Blech on How to Keep Mobile Devices, and Important Client Data, Secure

It seems as if most of us are now surgically attached to our smartphones. This includes employees, who use them for work. However, it now seems that the lines between professional and personal time have blurred somewhat. Indeed, Richard Blech was involved in a survey that showed: 73% of people put personal apps on their work tablets. 62% of people put personal apps on their work phones. 45% of people put personal apps on their work notebooks. 50% used smartphones for professional reasons. Millennials, it seems, are the worst for mixing the personal and the professional. This is a problem…

Social Media Apps Which Your Business Should Be Making Use Of

If you are running a business, online or otherwise, it is absolutely vital that you are making the most of all the tools which you have at your disposal. One such tool ,which every single business in operation must make the most of, is social media and to run  business without also running social media pages for it, is absolutely criminal. If you don’t know about social media or have no experience with it, it is time that you changed that quickly as those who will be successful in business, are those who understand the power that social media can…

User Activity Monitoring Software Gives Parents of Teens Peace of Mind

Do you want to know what your teen gets up to when they use their cellphone? If so, then you need to put user activity monitoring software in place. Originally designed to enable businesses to monitor their employees, it can now also be used by concerned parents who want to make sure their children are safe. Why You Need User Activity Monitoring Software on Your Child’s Cellphone The world is dominated by cellphones and digital communication and you shouldn’t shield your child from that. At the same time, it is important that you know what they are saying, and what…

The Top Idea Management Software Option Helps You to Keep the Faith in Innovation

Thanks to advances, humans have been able to enjoy greater health and longevity, more prosperity, improved food production, and more. These are all things that we might take for granted, but that are actually remarkable. Did you know that over the past two decades, around one billion individuals have been lifted out of poverty? And the way technology has progressed is nothing short of astounding. The smartphones we all have are fitted with computers more capable than the ones that put a man on the moon! Thanks to global free trade, entrepreneurship, innovation, and science, the world has enjoyed greater…