3 Ways Your Small Business Can Utilize Catalogs in Your Marketing Efforts

As a small business, you need all the marketing advantages you can get. After all, you’re likely competing with not just other small businesses, but also larger companies with bigger marketing budgets. Catalogs can give you such an advantage. How? Here are 3 reasons to hire catalog printing services in order to utilize catalogs as a marketing tool.  In-Store Promotions Many customers come into a store with what to buy already in mind. What if you could persuade them otherwise? For example, by placing catalogs in high-traffic areas, you can facilitate cross-selling opportunities by showcasing related products and services, encouraging…

3 Tips For Working With Potentially Dangerous Substances

There may come a time in your life where you will have to work with some potentially dangerous substances. This could include working with chemicals at home like when cleaning or doing auto maintenance, handling substances at work like in the oil and gas industry, or in other environments. So when you’re faced with working with a substance that could harm you or the environment around you, it’s vital that you know how to protect yourself and safely interact with them. To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for working with potentially dangerous substances. …

What You Need to Know About Fire Caulking Codes

Whether you are a homeowner looking to protect your family and home or you are a contractor trying to get your project up to code, there are several things you should know about fire caulking codes. These fire caulking codes Ontario are the standards the International Code Council (ICC) sets, ensuring that your project meets the most stringent standards. Intumescent Caulking Unlike fireproofing your home, there is no standardized formula for intumescent caulking codes. Instead, local, state, and federal regulations govern how you seal penetrations in your home. These codes are geared toward protecting your home and family from fire.…

4 Study Tips for Law School

Law school can be quite challenging, but with the right study habits, you can increase your chances of being on top of your classes and achieving the best results possible. Whether you’re a first-year law student or have been studying for years, these four study tips will help you to maximize your time and set yourself up for success in law school.  Take Copious Notes One of the most important tips for successful law school studying is taking comprehensive notes during lectures and discussions. Writing down what your professor says will help you stay focused on the material, as well…

4 Tips For Running A Business Remotely

If you are a business owner, you know exactly how stressful it can be to keep everything organized so that your business can be as successful as possible. It takes a village and cannot be done on your own, so you will need to hire a full team of trustworthy people who you know can handle all of the ins and outs of your business whenever you’re not around.  If you are curious about some more ways that you can run your business remotely such as when you are on vacation or just need to take some time off and…