Domenic Carosa and Dan Schatt of Earnity and Web3 and Crypto

The relationship between Web3 and crypto is a symbiotic one. Each technology relies on the other to function correctly. Crypto is used to secure and verify transactions on the blockchain. At the same time, Web3 provides the necessary infrastructure to make these transactions possible. Domenic Carosa and Dan Schatt, executives of DeFi startup Earnity want to use this to its full potential. In 2014, one of the co-founders of Ethereum coined the term Web3 to pertain to anything relating to the next generation of the internet — and it is a decentralized digital platform. Individuals who support Web3 believe that…

Earnity’s Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa Share How Crypto Buyers Can Suceed

Cryptocurrency is a big deal for companies such as Earnity, led by Domenic Carosa and Dan Schatt. For the uninitiated, cryptocurrency, or crypto, is a digital (or virtual) currency that deftly utilizes cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrency is also decentralized, which means crypto is not subject to a financial institution’s control. Since cryptocurrency is digital, it can be easy to mistakenly believe that it is immune to the same issues as traditional currency. However, there are a few crucial factors to be aware of when using or purchasing cryptocurrency. Domenic Carosa and Dan…

How to onboard new employees for long-term loyalty

It’s one of the most important processes of recruitment, yet onboarding is something that is rarely given the attention it truly deserves.  Most companies will invest all sorts into their recruitment processes, whether by putting together extensive benefits packages or just being extra-diligent with their job descriptions. They’ll set up the swanky modern offices, arm themselves with all of the legal essentials such as liability insurance, and then… well, hope for the best.  Suffice to say, onboarding generally gets forgotten about. It means that new employees are regularly left to their own devices, resulting in umpteen long-term issues that can…

How To Create A Timeless Fashion Look – Sharon Deflorio

Looking your best is important, no matter what the occasion. Whether you’re going to a formal event or just want to feel confident in your own skin, it’s important to dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and stylish. In this blog post, we will discuss how to create a timeless fashion look. We’ll provide tips and advice from experts like Sharon Deflorio on everything from choosing the right clothes to accessorizing in a way that will make you stand out from the crowd! When it comes to creating a timeless fashion look, one of the most important…

How to Avoid Disability Discrimination in Your Company – accessiBe

We hear a lot in recent years about discrimination in the workplace and the world seems mostly in agreement that things need to change. People can be discriminated for many reasons, such as race, gender, religion and disabilities. Companies are working hard to review their policies and make sure they are inclusive of all of the above. Unfortunately, some companies are under the assumption that by adding ramps, level access, or wider doors, they have done their part for the disabled. But in this modern world, there is a lot more to consider and companies like accessiBe are there to…