Browsing CategoryDIY / Home Improvement

What is Papercraft?

If you’re suffering from boredom during this lockdown, one of the things you can do to help fill and structure that time is take up a crafting hobby. This gives you the satisfaction of working on a new skill, can help to displace the anxiety of the times we’re all living through, and might leave you with some new decorations to use around the home or pass on as unique, personal gifts. It’s well worth thinking about which craft you want to focus on. Many of them use different equipment and supplies, and even in the ones where there’s some…

Recession and Real Estate Investing

The Great Recession of 2008 made people very wary. All over the country, people faced many forms of economic distress. Some people lost their jobs or faced the prospect of cutbacks in overtime. Others found it very hard to pay their bills even when employed. The Great Recession was soon over. Since that time, the economy has come roaring back. One part of the market that was touched by the recession were the housing markets. Housing markets are a key part of any economy. People need a roof over their heads. They need the security of knowing they can make…

Get Ready for Hotter Weather With Summer Repairs

Summer is right around the corner. That means hotter weather is going to be here soon. And that means that you should make sure that any of your summer repairs are done before the sun starts beating down and making you and your family uncomfortable. What you’d like to avoid is starting to do repairs on certain aspects of your home after it’s too late. At that time, repair work will be more expensive and less effective because there are fewer days in which to create a comfortable home climate.  Three sets of summer repairs will come to mind right…

Kitchen Timer – 5 Devices That Can Help You Save Time Prepping Meals

It is 5:45 pm, and you are rushing in the door, juggling bags, a laptop, toddlers, shoes, drink bottles, and other miscellaneous items. You know you need to get dinner on the table fast, or it will break-down central. So, how will you go about getting a quick, easy, simple, and delicious meal on the table ASAP? These kitchen gadgets and gizmos might be your saving grace. Induction Cooking If you have an induction stovetop, you can cut the time it takes to heat your pot or pan in half. Induction cookware is heated directly through electromagnetic coils, rather than…

Things that are damaging your wood floors

With wood flooring being a beautiful and life-long investment, it’s important that we take good care of it – the last thing you want to be doing is to be causing damage that could have been avoided in the first place! Fixing a damaged plank and replacing our flooring is not always simple and can be very costly, so we end up obsessing over how best to protect our investment. Here are a few everyday adjustments that can help you avoid any damage!  No sweeping frequently enough: Sweeping regularly is very important as it removes dirt and debris which can…