For most people, the idea of transporting goods is never a fun one, especially if the item or items in question are on the larger side. On top of that, unless you’ve recently come back from a backpacking trip around Asia or South America and beforehand sold all of your possessions, most likely you have a good amount of stuff, even if you think you don’t. Once it’s time to move, then it becomes widely apparent all of the items you have stashed around the house.
This is when you have two choices, you can either decide to move all of the items yourself from one location to the next, or you can hire a courier service like Shiply.com. But is hiring a courier service the right move for you? In a short answer, if you have a lot of stuff and rather not make multiple trips or if you have a long move ahead of you, then yes, hiring a service is the way to go. So, let’s take a look at what Shiply is all about.
What is Shiply?
A moving and courier company that is based in the UK and has already helped 3.1 million deliveries reach their final destination, Shiply is a website in which thousands of different transport providers compete for your order.
What are their services?
With so many different services available, it’ll be hard not to find what you’re looking for. Whether you’re moving your entire house (big or small) or you’re in need of car and truck transport as you have too many to drive, you’ll find a courier service that’s willing to help. Some of the options available are:
- Furniture delivery
- Haulage
- eBay Couriers
- Removals
- Motorcycle transport
- Car transport
- Man with a van
- Large item delivery
How does it all work?
Because Shiply truly cares about their customers and wants to make the process as easy and quick as possible, you’ll find that navigating their website along with completing their form is much simpler than you would think. First you’ll firm out a form detailing what you need moved and when. Then this form is viewed by rated transport providers in your area. After they’ve reviewed the form, they’ll each submit a quote vying for your customer status. Generally speaking, these quotes are about 75% cheaper than the standard UK quotes that you would receive if you were to ask for one outside of Shiply. During this time, not only will you be able to view the rates provided, but also read previous customer feedback and reviews, helping you to further make the right decision for your moving needs. Once you have chosen your service provider, you’re all set to go. The delivery will take place on the date decided and all you’ll have to do is sit back and relax as someone else does the work.
In the end, it makes much more sense to hire a courier company to perform a move for you, even if it’s only one or two big items. If you have a family with small children that you need to watch, then it makes even more sense.